The Illumined Woman. The Red Tent Event – A Secrets of Kundalini Yoga Deep Dive.
Join Hari, Heidi Lovie, Lic. Ac., and Dharma Devi of Shakti Dance for an Illumined Woman Kundalini Yoga Series. Hari is excited and inspired to offer the Kundalini Yoga teachings for women at her loft – Hari NYC The Treehouse in NYC.
All Seven Thursday Evening Sessions: Oct. 29, Nov. 5,12,19, and Dec. 3,10,17 6:30-9:00pm
Each session: pre-register online $40.00 or $50.00 cash/check at the door
Pre-register for the entire 7-class series online: $260
“I have reached out for a team to work with in presenting these amazing teachings with women and for women and we are ready to launch! Join us for this beautiful series that will be a deep dive for seekers, teachers, practitioners, and all women desiring the company of each other for personal evolution and the harmony of feminine and masculine energies.” - Hari.
The Illumined Woman The teachings of Kundalini Yoga can bring you peace of mind, harmonious relationships and the recognition that you are a unique part of a legacy of beauty that is timeless. A woman’s psyche naturally contains the entire cosmos. Instead of getting stressed out from the challenges of daily life and the pull of your own psyche to help and heal the world, do something – Kundalini yoga! With the power of this practice, your peaceful mind can create a peaceful world! This brand, Illumined by Hari ™ is dedicated to spreading the teachings of Kundalini Yoga for Women, and initiating an ongoing conversation and educational program about relationships, beauty, sex, health, happiness and spirituality.
7 Sessions 7-Year Cycles of Consciousness
Practice, Share, Relax, Grow, Enjoy
Oct. 29th: 7 Times a Woman - Lifecycles
Nov. 5th: The Girl Child - Its Fun to Be Strong
Nov. 12th: Coming of Age Awakening Sexuality, Sensuality, and Grace
Nov. 19th: Bountiful and Beautiful
Dec. 3rd: The Power of a Peaceful Mind - Claiming Your Feminine Power
Dec. 10th and Dec. 17th: Wisdom and the Moon Centers - The Flow of a Woman's Psyche
Session 1 - 7 Times a Woman: Life Cycles. With Heidi (Harcharan Kaur) and Hari
Classic Chinese Medicine views a woman’s life in 7-year cycles with each cycle representing a shift in physical development, personal evolution, and spiritual growth.
Learn: An overview of each of the cycles, why the cycles are so important and how to use what each cycle has to offer to further the feminine self.
Experience: Kundalini yoga and meditation for celebrating the divine feminine.
Take Away: Recognition of the hallmarks in feminine evolution and cherishment of each divine stage.