Mandalas, through their (sacred) circular energy patterns, reflect our inner nature. By utilizing the Vedic Square (an ancient number grid) you can create an infinite number of shapes and patterns to form a beautiful mandala. We will be working with specific colors and mantras related to the chakras. This meditative painting practice connects us to the subtler planetary energy governing the chakras and it strengthens our natural state of inner harmony and peace.
Cost $85 pre-register online or $95 cash/check at the door
Mavis Gewant, M.A., is a sacred artist, mother, educator and doula. She learned the ancient techniques of yantra and deity painting from Tantric Master Dada Shri Harish Johari, studying with him and serving as his personal assistant for more than twenty years. Dadaji encouraged her to teach this knowledge and requested her to illustrate his last book, PlanetaryMeditation Kit, which contains yantras and mantras of the planets.
A practitioner of Vedic Astrology and an experienced teacher of many subjects, Mavis is one of only a few persons living in the US, with over two decades of training in this sacred art, combined with the devotion to teach others. Her sadhana consists of painting yantras and deities and helping others through this transformational art form. Mavis has a Masters Degree in Pre & Perinatal Psychology from the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute. She uses Mandalas and Meditation to help women heal from birth trauma and to prepare for birth. She is also a birth educator, doula trainer for Birth Arts International and works as a doula specializing in post-partum care and labor support. Read more at