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Did you know?
- That the Japji Sahib and a majority of the Mantras played in Kundalini Yoga classes are part of the Guru Granth Sahib?
- That the wisdom and experiences of Guru Nanak and Guru Ramdas are recorded in the 1430 pages of the Guru Granth Sahib?
- That Guru Granth Sahib is an ocean of 'Shabad' or Sound Current, of Knowledge and Light, available to any reader?
Join in for a Sehaj Paath to lisen or read in English or Gurmukhi from Guru Granth Sahib to have your own experience. Walk in anytime between 10 AM to 6 PM Saturday, April 1, 2017.
To reserve your 30 minute (or more) slot to READ in English or Gurmukhi, please contact Gunneeta at (646) 256-7018 or