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Untitled Event

J O I N  N E V I N E  M I C H A A N
S A T . D E C . 16
1 : 0 0 - 3 : 0 0 P M

Cost: $55 pre-registration.
$65 at the studio. 

Nevine Michaan presents a Katonah Yoga practice in Asana + Pranayama + Theory

  • In this workshop you will explore the template of the Magic Square through imagination, breath, and body.

  • Learn techniques to occupy center and mediate your circumference.

  • Learn the Wraps of Time manipulated through pranayama.

  • Utilize the Magic Square calendar to effectively organize yourself in time.

  • Envelope the Drishti of Joy.

In this workshop, you will receive Nevine Michaan’s 2018 Magic Square Calendar, an artfully crafted, self published manual for effective time management. A daily and monthly planner to help organize time and events.

The calendar is accompanied by a series of meditation maps entitled The Body as The Abode: Orienting Self in Time and Space. The body is here understood as an organized living space with defined organs architecture.

The calendar presents three major themes: The Body as the Abode, The Master Staircase, The Reveals. The goal of these maps is to familiarize you with personal embodiment and personal organization. The art of using these maps lies in enhancing the joy of living in one’s body moving through time.

December 12

Sadhana Fundraiser: All Nighter at the Treehouse!

December 31

New Year’s Eve at Hari NYC Treehouse: Celebrate with Community! w/ Liam Simrit Deep and Sarah Padmani Ajeet