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Online | Yoga Therapy Essentials with Rainer Perry

Yoga Therapy Essentials
Identifying and Transforming Sources of Everyday Suffering

May 10—May 24 1:30 - 2:30pm

Zoom Class Series: 3 Weekly 60-min sessions starting May 10.

$11 per session
$30 for all 3 sessions
Free for anyone in financial hardship - please email

Attend single sessions or all three - suitable for all levels - everyone is welcome. 

Turn aimless ruminating and worrying during your alone-time and social distancing into results-focused self-exploration and understanding with these targeted short sessions. We look at common beliefs and thought patterns that are often the source of great pain through the lens of yogic wisdom to identify the roots of our suffering and transform them. Each session consists of a presentation and discussion of core concepts plus light yoga and meditation.

Yoga Therapy Essentials are part of yoga therapy tools and treatments offered by Hari Kaur and Rainer Perry. Offerings include classes, workshops, and individual sessions.

Session 1 - May 10

Complete on Your Own - The Antidote to Feelings of Loneliness and Lack

Being with or searching for a partner, lover - a soul mate - is a dominant theme in popular culture, and the pursuit of romantic love is a priority for many. Humans are social by nature, but do we need to share our life with someone in order to feel complete and fulfilled and is the other person a necessity for happiness? Yogic teachings offer surprising perspectives and lesser-known solutions for this inquiry. 

Session 2 - May 17

Rewriting Your Definition of True Self - A Bridge to Peace

What you tell yourself and the world about yourself matters greatly because that content becomes your identity, your personal definition of yourself.  Once you accept an identity, it becomes the core of your life experience. Hence, a false definition of who you are - one that is not aligned with your true self - can be at the core of negative life experience. In this course, we explore the creation of our self-definitions, where we go wrong, and how yoga can help and heal. Zoom class with group discussion and light yoga and meditation. 

Session 3 - May 24

Alleviating the Pressure of Being Happy and Fulfilled - How Yogic Neutrality Conquers Unrealistic Life Expectations

We are told there’s always something better to be had, and most of our work in the present is dedicated to the arrival of improvements in the future. But is that a smart investment of our energy? The pursuit of happiness is considered a given and so is our faith in it, but it can also be the source of our stress and unhappiness. How do you create a balance between wanting more joy in your life and not having any? Yogic teachings offer tools that help you relax and find meaning in all your life situations, not just in those you consider desirable.

Artwork by @danielle_bhavya_winter supports childhood education in India ✨ | #abccarpetandhome

May 16

Sound, Meditation and Mul Mantra with Mark Hartman

May 24

Online | Yoga Therapy Essentials with Rainer Perry